Here are my monthly themes and my plans for dramatic play:
January (weather) rain coat, rain boots, umbrella, coat, snow pants, scarf, winter hat, winter boots, sun screen bottle (cleaned out and lid glued on), and sunglasses.
February (transportation) uniforms, steering wheel, train out of boxes ad cunductor hat/ overalls, pilot wings, bus driver hat, and bike helmet.
March (Dr. Seuss)
red and white tall hats (Cat in the Hat), elephant trunk (Horton), fish hat (One Fish..), other crazy items to dress up like characters from books.
April (animals) masks from
oriental trading
May (plants) overalls, hoe, shovel, flower pots, fake flowers/ plants, farmer hat, and gloves.
June (insects) butterflies/ nets, rubber insects, beehive/ bees, and rubber spiders.
July (camping/ safety) small tent, sleeping bag, hats, boots, hiking gear, flashlights, wood for a "fire", and marshmallows.
August and September (back to school) back packs, school supplies, school clothes, toothbrush, comb, shampoo bottle, wash cloth, coat, and clock.
October (all about me)
phone, wigs, dress-up clothes like mom and dad, play make-up, mirror, and stuffed animals for pets with leashes.
November and December (neighborhoods and community helpers) set up a grocery store with play food and money, post office with paper/ envelopes/ stamps with home-made glue, restaurant with play food and money, bank with play money and play checks, car wash,
farm, veterenarian,
police, and
fire fighter.